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1. The short answer is no.

It all depends on the Library guidelines and position for their organization. 

Some Libraries require degrees such as MLS (Master's Degree in Library Science) or an

an ALA(American Library Association). 

Library Positions that may require a degree:
Public Service Librarian, Library Director, Acquisitions Librarian

Library Positions that may not require a degree:

Library Assistants



What is a Librarian?

*These are averages across the state of Tennessee. 

Source provided by: Google

A Librarian is someone that researches information, helps to provide resources and materials, and connects literature to their community.

*Tennessee Librarian Salary

Do you need a degree?

Non-Profit Organization

We are a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization!

It means our library is funded by Giles County, City of Pulaski, and charitable donations from our community.

Come visit us at The Giles County Public Library! 

122 South 2nd St.